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Project planning is the art of scheduling the necessary activities, in time, space and across staffing order to optimize:
Project risk [low]
Profit [high]
Customer satisfaction [high]
Worker satisfaction [high]
Long-term company goals
InfoSoft's planning is an important factor in determining the success or failure of any software project. Essentially, good project planning will eliminate many of the mistakes that would otherwise be made, and reduce the overall time required to complete the project & financial loss if any.
As a rule of thumb, the more complex the problem is, the more thorough the planning process must be. InfoSoft - just like Most professional software developers plan a software project using a series of steps generally referred to as the software development life cycle.
We at InfoSoft go through a number of models exist that differ in the number of stages defined, and in the specific activities that take place within each stage. The following is a generic model that will give you some idea of the steps involved in a typical MLM software project we follow.
This is managed by the project Manager. He / She will deploy the resources required for the project.
During this stage, the problem is defined so that a clear understanding can be gained of what the system should do, i.e. what the inputs to the system are, what the output should be, and the operational parameters within which the system is expected to work. If the new system is to replace an existing system, the problem may be defined in terms of the additional or enhanced functionality that is required.
This is manage by the System Analyst. This phase involves making of System requirement Specification document as per user's need & design of pages along with the proposed modules. This is done with the help of client for any requirement change because after analysis if InfoSoft found any change require we help client to correct it.
In this stage, InfoSoft will design a solution to the problem by defining a logical sequence of steps that will achieve each of the stated system objectives. Such a sequence of steps is often referred to as an algorithm. Some of the methods used to define program algorithms and include flowcharts and pseudo code. These tools allow the program designer to break a given problem down into a series of small tasks which the computer can perform to solve the problem. The user interface will also be designed during this stage, and will determine how input is obtained, how output is displayed, and what controls are available to the user.
This stage, sometimes known as the implementation stage or testing stage, is where the algorithms are translated into a programming language, and tends to be the longest phase of the development life-cycle. In this case, we are using PHP to write the program. This phase is managed by Project leader & developers who are going to lead & develop total MLM software. These are people who will be responsible for development of total software. InfoSoft will define the basic Architectural Framework and Data Base design for Application. This phase involves development of application and its flow as per planned scheduled. InfoSoft believes that Client interaction during this phase is more important because the end customer satisfaction is more important.
The documentation of the program fulfils two main objectives. Documenting the internal design of software for the purpose of future maintenance and enhancement is done throughout development. This may also include the writing of an API, be it external or internal. The software engineering process chosen by the developing team will determine how much internal documentation (if any) is necessary.
The second is to provide user documentation, i.e. a set of instructions that inform the user about the features of the software and how to use them.
Software testing is an integral and important phase of the MLM software development process. This part of the process ensures that defects are recognized as soon as possible. The aim of software testing is to find any errors ("bugs") in the program, to eliminate those errors (a process known as "debugging"), and as far as is reasonably practicable should be sufficiently rigorous to ensure that the software will function as expected under all foreseeable circumstances. Any bugs / errors will be corrected prior to completion and launch of the application.
This is manage by the Project Manager and Developers & support Team. This phase involves release of the application to client & his staff /user for testing the functionalities and gets their feedback. InfoSoft makes uses of various tools to ensure data accuracy with regards to information been entered. Bugs , errors and changes, if any are clear before final delivery.
All necessary documents which requires to run system smoothly are given to client.
Final Delivery starts after the code is appropriately tested, approved for release, and distributed into a production environment. This may involve installation, customization (such as by setting parameters to the customer's values), testing, and possibly an extended period of evaluation if require. This is managed by directors of InfoSoft & delivery team to ensure proper working flow of software when it is actually start entering live data. For training, smooth working & urgent support this team work.
Software training and support is important, as software is only effective if it is used correctly. This is managed by expert InfoSoft staff in InfoSoft or Client's office. Here all in & out links related to software operating are explain to Owner & staff of company.
InfoSoft believes more in service. Once the software has been "rolled out" and any necessary user training has been completed, it will be necessary to monitor the performance of the system over time to ensure that it is behaving as expected. The system will need to be maintained, and parts of it will need to be upgraded from time to time to handle evolving user needs or to cope with new problems. Eventually, as the system ages, it may no longer be able to adequately cope with the demands of a growing number of users, take advantage of advances in hardware / software technology, or adapt to a constantly changing environment. This phase is monitor by InfoSoft's support system.
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